woensdag 16 november 2011


Na het schrijven van mijn blog nog even rondje blogs wat ik regelmatig lees gedaan. En op één daarvan stuitte ik op een mooi filmpje. En dan neus je zo'n beetje verder en dan kom je op iets wat je zelf ook graag wilt delen met de hele wereld.

Nou is dat misschien wat veel gevraagd, maar mijn lezers kan ik er in iedergeval van mee laten genieten.Het is een lang gedicht, en de tekst gaat snel. Het Engels is prachtig, en doorspekt met niet alledaagse woorden, maar de strekking sluit zo naadloos aan bij alles waar mijn blog voor staat.

Desiderata from R Smittenaar on Vimeo.


Go placidly amid
The noise and the haste
And remember
What peace there may be in silence

As far as possible
Whitout surrender
Be on good terms
With all persons

Speak your truth quietly and clearly
And listen to others
Even the dull and the ignorant
They too have their story

Avoid loud and aggressive persons
They are vexatious to the soul

If you compare yourself to others
You may become vain or bitter
For always there will be
Greater and lesser persons then yourself

Enjoy your achievements
As well as your plans

Keep interested in your career
However humble
It is a real posession
In the changing fortunes of time

Excercise caution
In your bussiness affairs
For the world is full of trickery

But let this not blind you 
To what virtue there is
Many persons strive for high ideals
And everywhere life is full of heroism

Be yourself
Especially do not feign affection

Neither be cynical about love
For in the face of all
Aridity and disenchantment 
is as perennial as the grass

Take kindly
to council of years
Gracefully surrender
The things of youth

Nurture the things of spirit
To shield you in sudden misfortune

But do not distress yourself
With dark imagining
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness

Beyond a healthy discipline
Be gentle with yourself

You are a child in the Universe
No less than the trees and the stars

You have a right to be here
And whether or not is clear to you
No doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should

Therefor be at peace with God
Whatever you conceive Him to be

And whatever your labors and aspiration
In the noisy confusion of life
Keep peace in your soul

With all its sham drudgery
And broken dreams
It is still a beautifull world

Be cheerfull
Strive to be happy

Tip van de dag: Deel.....

PS Voor mensen die net als ik alles willen begrijpen, vertalen.nu 

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